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Electrical Substation
Our company specilized in the design ,manufacture ,assembly testing for one (two-parts) mobile substation 

66kv/20kv GIS metal enclosure with truck.

ONE(TWO-PARTS) Mobile substation 66kv / 20kv 10mva with 20kv GIS Metal Enclosure Switchgear

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Product Details

Our company specilized in the design ,manufacture ,assembly testing for one (two-parts) mobile substation 

66kv/20kv GIS metal enclosure with truck.

Main devices for a two-part mobile substation: main transformer (66/20)kv 10mva 

2.66kv switchgear consisting of one bay for the transmission line feeding the main transformer.

3.One earthing transfomer(20kv/0.4kv) 100kva. 

4.20kv gis metal enclosure switchgear consisting of one incoming feeder from the power transformer 10mva ,one incoming feeder from the diesel generator ,four  outgoing feeders,one capacitor feeder,and complete terminal plug in cable 1x300 mm2 cu for incoming feeder from PT 10MVA ,Complete terminal plug in cables 1x85mm2 cu for incoming feeder from DG 1MVA and complete terminal plug in cables 1x85mm2 cu for outgoing feeders.

5.XLPE flexible cable 1x300mm2/cu/connecting between the power transformer and the incoming with not less than (30) m length from each of the two parts of the mobile substation with complete terminal plug-in cables.

6.Capacitor sub-bank (2.5mvar ) for the mobile substation on the 20kv side.

7.Control ,protection,and measuring devices.

8.AC and DC auxiliaries 

9.LV Cables.

10.two complete trailer units with trucks having suitable dimensions and internaional transport dimensions.

11. An easily removable portal for connecting with 66kv 

12.and easily removable safety fence.

13.spare parts for two years maintence.


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